mercredi 30 juin 2010

Technip KTI : contract signed with Nynas AB to build a new Sulphur Recovery Unit for the Nynas Refinery in Nynashamn, Sweden

Maire Tecnimont announces that its operating subsidiary, Technip KTI S.p.a., has signed a contract to realize a new Sulphur Recovery Unit for the Refinery of Nynashamn, Sweden. Nynas AB is a worldwide leading producer of Naphtenic Oils and Bitumen/Asphalts, with production facilities in Europe, North and South America and maintains offices in more than 30 countries. The project, which is executed on a Lump-Sum Turnkey contract basis for approximately €49 million, foresees the provision of engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (“EPCC”) services. The completion is scheduled for June 2012.
The project consists of the development of a Sulphur Recovery Unit producing 24 t/d of liquid sulphur, with a Tail Gas Treatment section applying the proprietary RAR (Reduction Absorption Recycle) technology, which was licensed by Technip KTI to Nynas in 2008. The project includes the plant offsite facilities, as well as the expansion of an existing substation and the interconnecting piping with the upstream units.

This contract is concrete evidence of Technip KTI’s consolidated position as an internationally recognized Contractor in the Sulphur Recovery Sector. Furthermore, the project confirms the positive cooperation record of Technip KTI with Nynas, which has been consolidated in the past few years. Technip KTI has already been awarded the Basic Design, FEED and EPCC development of a new 15,000 Nm3/h Hydrogen Production Plant, which is now undergoing Commissioning ; the company was also selected as Process Licensor for the Sulphur Recovery Unit.

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